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Mathias Johansson @Magical-Arts

Age 34, Male



Joined on 8/31/04

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I JUST MADE THAT OBSERVATION in p-bot's thread/a review i just wrote

Also, the sheer popularity of their series is an insult to the flash artists who actually put care and soul into their drawings. Explosm does a couple of crappy tweens with thick-ass lines and dubs it an 'animation', and the amount of credit the users give it shows how idiotic the userbase is, and how little control over voting scores people who've been here longer actually have.

It's lazy-ass, the pigeon in 'pigeon' literally had like, two frames for its 'walk cycle'. Ridiculous.

Well I don't think it's fair to bash their aniamtion, it isn't realy bad, it's just simplistic. And I have no doubt that they work ahrd to create their content. As for the score on the shorts I'd say that it's always correct, if someone feels the flash was worth a 5 they press 5 and vise-versa. So when they score 4.5 over and over they are obviously doing something right.

If explosm makes more like 'waiting for the bus!' then thats alright, but I agree with what you say completely

It's their cartoons at the end of the day.

It's good for NG to have users who produce content and regularly, some of my favourite artists take years between parts of their series and it results in the series not really taking off as well as it could have which is a shame.

The thing is, on NG, when you get the ball rolling with a series, people notice, and it's easier to get alot of fans that way than it is one stand alone amazing cartoon, nowadays.

It's good and bad really, and in Explosm's case it's a choise of quantity over quality imo. But they are what they say they are.... short toons, and if people over rate that its not particulary there fault.

Well I guess your right that it isn't their fault that people vote them up so high. And yeah it is their cartoons at the end of the day, I'm just saying that i would haev acted diffrently if I were them :)

They're doing fine. Every episode is individually animated. Maybe they're not all hilarious but they have a good model they're working with and it seems to be received well.

illwillpress fails because it's not funny. So there you are.

Yes, they are doing fine, yes they are beeing well received but what my point is that if there is a new short each week for an extended period of time people will sooner or later lose their interest, regardless of the quality. Imagine that the same author got the weekly 1st every week for a couple of months in a row, I doubt people would keep the hype going and his aniamtions would slowly drop in popularity. This is ofcourse just my own speculations, and I used Illwillpress as a comparison since I think why people think they ain't funny is because they have seen several short similar animations and simply don't bother taking a look at them anymore.

illwillpress is actually quite funny sometimes. So there you are. (it's all opinions :))

Explosm is shit but just barely more talented than illwillpress

There is no correlation between weekly releases of Happy n' Cyanide and disaster. As long as Explosm has a large fanbase and keeps doing what they do best, they should be fine. :/

Because those weekly television shows do so poorly.... it's really a release schedule that's ruined so many companies in the past.

(I'm gonna assume you where ironic)

Well it's not the weekly releases themselves that I think might bring them down but weekly releases on newgrounds, my speculation is that people will slowly lose interest if they keep submiting 1 minute flashes that take up exposure from other "fresh" content.

It's 2 cents, not 2 sentences.

Ah thanks :) (english is not my native language as you might have figured)

yeah explosm is doing fine but i still see your point. i have stopped watching their cartoons because they all seem to be the same. at least theyre fairly decent quality to watch every few of the episodes or so...

Although I do agree that maybe later on down the road this might come down to 'spam', the quality of the cartoon is very good compared to the sporadic 'This is my first flash" and clockcrew/kittykrew(I could use several slashes) submissions.

So...I agree with The-Swain that it has a good model, heck, Beer Run was on the All-Time list in #1 for some time, but I digress. But...I also agree with Egoraptor that it uses a cliched method of release, and in some respect robs other well made flashes of their #1 of the week award.

I'm not saying Explosm shouldn't give us so many good flashes, I'm just pointing out that like Egoraptor did with some of his AWESOME flashes, Explosm should make a monthly released compilation of 4 "Cyanide and Happiness" flashes.

It would solve the whole 'Quickly released yet short animation' problem as well as allowing a single submission to have more depth. Just throwing my 'two cents' out there as well.

I know this probably won't solve anything, but I'm just trying to help on your situation.


I think you pretty much said what i wanted to say :)

Point felt. Their cartoons are very entertaining, but they could probably give us a second to miss them before showing up with new shit. Explosm is far more diverse as far as material than Ill Will ever was though. The reason Ill Will went shit is because he's using the same foamy symbols as he had in 01.

illwillpress is fuckin- nowhere near funny.

I guess their cartoons will loose impact in a couple weeks, but really I don't know. It's not like they keep usin the same joke or anything- Their cartoons are just regular average jokes. Like they don't even have a theme or characters or anything, so- will people get sick of that? Maybe, I dunno.

As for the thing about how they should only make it a cartoon when it's a big joke: try to imagine any of their cartoons as comics. Even the racing one or the pigeon one, they still have to be animated. These ones just wouldn't be as good as comics, none of em. The comics've bin goin for years n I can tell they've wanted to do annual toons like this for AGES. I'm happy they came through with it so well.

and complaining about the animation is bloody daft, whoever even starts on that is a square.

Explosm is probably better for that. He chose a simple art style and animation style and ran with it, which made it such a suxxese. Illwillpress didnt animate much, anything for that matter.
I think peopel with big succesful series but cant get 1 episode out by 2 years later from the first one, should make all the episodes at once, AND release like the 1st episode while they are working on the 5th. I figured i thow my idea out there since this seemeed like the right place to.

illwillpress is fucking talentless, unfunny, and all of the graphics have been reused for a long time. As unfunny the humor/jokes and terrible the character design of the Cyanide & Happiness characters are (even though the characters are done that way intentionally), the animation is very decent compared to illwillpress. I'm not complaining about Explosm, I don't mind them at all. The only people who complain about Explosm are pseudo artist rands who write illiterate walls of text about how Newgrounds is 'unfair' and make shitty satires based on their ignorant beliefs and biased views they've picked up from some gay circle jerk like UPWN or TBA, even though the bandwagon hopping kids couldn't make a flash half as decent as the shitty Cyanide & Happiness shorts if they tried.

I find it funny how it seems you didn't even read my post?

It's funny because these are all of the same arguments thrown around to defend foamy back in illwillpress's heydays.

It's illwillpress's style! it's simple cos he wants it to be! omg dis squirrel is so funny so it doesn't matter about the score! All haters don't have a sense of humor!

omg it's explosm's style! it's simple and if you bag it you're a moron!!! the man kicking the pigeon is so unexpected rofl!

They have the same levels of idiotic fanboyism, same (if not more) levels of overratedness, similar level of IQ for average viewers.

Tweening around was illwillpress's individual style, just like tweening almost everything and making stale slideshows is Explosm's style!

And by the way, although the douchebaggery of youtube seems to be seeping more and more into this site, this site is still an animation portal and I hope to God we can still criticize animation here, otherwise what is this site?! Youtube?

Explosm is the Fred of Newgrounds. At the top of the charts for everything and ridiculously overrated.

I did read your post, and I know exactly what you mean but yeh the shitty NG satires are far gayer than if Explosm wanted to milk trophies or w/e

I agree and disagree. While it does perplex me that they don't take their time to make more fleshed out flashes, which in my opinion has some of their best material, they definitely aren't terrible. Yes, they have an insane fanbase that votes five on anything they do but you can't really blame them for that, and the fact that all they're doing in the end is winning worthless e-trophies on a website doesn't really matter too much. They also do a decent job of directing when they get it right. Basically my opinions are a double -edged sword; when they come up with some clever ideas they can be entertaining.

Plus, comparing that to illwillpress is going a bit too far. No one with the same amount of years of experience with flash that he's has will ever be as bad as him. Ever.

Well the reason I compared them was that I thin Illwillpress has lost alot of appreciation because he choose quantity, seems like people got me wrong.

I agree with you on the fact that it would suck if they started going down the road of viewers becoming annoyed and considering them spam, but I also disagree with the fact that they should only animate lengthy cartoons. I for one, have thoroughly enjoyed every last one of their shorts, and I'm glad to see them coming out with them so often.

At the end of the day, it's not about how much effort is put into it, or how lengthy it is, but how enjoyable it is, correct? As long as the people watching continue to enjoy their animations, and the creators of it don't get sick of doing it, then no harm has been done. People who complain about the length or animation and bash them because of that need to get a grip and realize that not everybody animates lengthy epics with beautiful frame-by-frame animation, and instead enjoy the animations for what they are; short, adequately animated comics with a punchline that may or may not be funny to each individual viewer.

Lmao snawsball made an excellent point with his comments. But he is in fact a hypocrite but whilst lurking TBA I came across this post he made in the 6th page of the thread for brawl funnies while it was in progress.

Holy fuck, this is intense. I might make something and then show you guys, but I don't know if I am worthy enough to take part in something so epic. I am a huge fan of the first collaboration. You can take a lil looksie loo once I make something, and if it's good, I would be absolutely fucking stoked and incredibly honored to be in this relic of flash history.

but I guess peoples opinions change over time

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